Saturday, March 1, 2008

3 Reasons Fortune 100 Diversity Web Marketing is Missing

We just completed a module where we had to write a discussion of diversity marketing presence on websites of Fortune 100 companies. Of the 18 of us in the class, I would estimate maybe 2 or 3 of us were able to actually find a distinct diversity marketing presence on a Fortune 100 site. Many talked about supplier diversity, employee and executive diversity, community relations, but only a scant few had intentional diversity marketing content. Of those who did have such content, it was because the product was specifically for a particular diversity group (ie black hair care products) or, to be blunt, because they are in a federally regulated industry and they had to.

Why is this? The demographicsre there: growth, disposable income, buying power,etc. So why is diversity marketing MIA? Here are my 3 theories based on this week's module and my own experience.:

  1. Fear of appearing to marginalize a particular group. I suspect some of the Fortune 100 are afraid if they create say an, Asian-American page, they will appear to be "digital segregationists" somehow.
  2. Cultural Ignorance. Despite the strides diversity groups and women have made in corporate america, the fact remains that the C-level suite is still predominately white and male. If someone who "looks like you" to put it in diversity training terms, isn't in the position to make marketing decisions,it may not be at the forefront of their mind to say , 'hey we need to include latinos in our marketing communications'.
  3. Fear of Scaring Off the Good Paying Customers. You arent' gonna like this, but it needs to be said. Some businesses, in 2008, may fear that by proactively courting the business off diversity groups, they will offend and lose their white customer base. Many consumers will still make value judgements about a company if they make a concerted effort to market to a diversity group they don't like.
So giga-readers, what do you think? Let me hear what you think on this.