Monday, March 17, 2008

Viral Marketing In Action: Mary J. Blige Reflections Commercial

This clip demonstrates the power of Web 2.0 and YouTube. It is the culmination of how viral and word-of-mouth marketing converged to create a spot-on marketing concept. The star is a wonderfully precocious 4 year-old girl named Nia. Nia's mother apparently posted a few clips of her singing along to Mary J. Blige songs (see here.) The clips subsequently got a lot of views(145K on the one linked above) and no doubt, word of mouth via YouTube. (Mary's a multi-platinum, grammy winning R&B superstar for the uninitiated.) Mary's people picked it up,realized the potential for a commercial promoting her Reflections album, and the rest is history.

Wonderful campaign, and quite remarkable considering, with Mary's body of work and fan base, she could have hired any actor or actress in Hollywood to be in her commercial.

PS Even if you've never heard of Mary, watch the clip, the concept is just darling. --K